ISM: 02.–05.02.2025 #ISMCOLOGNE

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Jessica Karch explains the fascination behind the trend product

ChoViva - low-CO2 chocolate alternative as a box office hit

It's Christmas. Sara und Max, in the meantime also known as the Chocolate Siblings, have made themselves comfortable in their living room at home. The smell of cinnamon and baked apples is in the air, while plates with cookies and chocolate invite snacking. Chocolate is their favourite sweet of all. If only it didn't have such an impact on the environment – especially the manufacture of chocolate results in an enormous amount of CO₂.

ChoViva Booth Display

The idea behind ChoViva

But what are the alternatives? Go without chocolate? That's simply not possible, both agree. They put their heads together and spend a long time throwing ideas around, because they have already found out that 80 % of the typical chocolate flavour doesn't come from the cacao bean, but instead originates from the manufacturing process and the aromas resulting from this. Sara and Max have already tried out all kinds of ingredients, from algae to olives, in their food processor before finally discovering the alternatives to chocolate in oats and sunflower seeds. The birth of ChoViva.

ChoViva – the future of snacking?

ChoViva – containing 'chocolate' and 'viva', life. A brand that has already become one of our absolute favourite Love Brands. ChoViva means "regionally cultivated, natural ingredients like oats and sunflower seeds (…) that are refined in an innovative process similar to fermentation into a delicacy that melts in your mouth and tastes just as good as chocolate, with a clearly better CO₂ footprint" (Source: website). Sara, Max and the team from Planet A Foods have in the meantime left the kitchen behind them and are producing on a grand scale. They were the absolute hit at the ISM and won first place in the New Product Showcase with their product. We spoke with Jessica, Marketing Manager at ChoViva, about the product and her experiences at ISM.

ChoViva Celebration

80% less CO2 emissions thanks to chocolate alternatives

ISM: Dear Jessica, nice that we could talk. You really attracted a lot of attention at this year's ISM with ChoViva. Chocolate without cacao. That initially sounds like a paradox. How did this even come about?

Jessica: In times of scarcity of resources, climate change and rising cacao prices, we brought the alternative onto the market that it was looking for and also needs over the long term. The manufacture of ChoViva is similar to the manufacturing process for classic chocolate. However, with oats and sunflower seeds, we use two regional products that don't require deforestation. Around 80 % less CO₂ is produced in comparison with conventional chocolate. Nonetheless, we don't want to damn chocolate as such. On the contrary, we love chocolate and are consciously offering an alternative that is convincing in terms of taste and is therefore well-accepted both on the market and by consumers. We are pleased at the strong demand.

ChoViva seal as a sign of recognition

ISM: ChoViva is available in several variants, including as vegan or white chocolate alternatives. Which companies are you already working together with, and how can customers recognise your product in the supermarket?

Jessica: Our first partners were Peter Kölln and Griesson - De Beukelaer, who took the step toward alternative chocolate together with us. These have in the meantime been joined by many partners, including Penny and Rewe, Lindt & Sprüngli, Wawi, Piasten Treets and Henry Lambertz. The end consumer can recognise all products with ChoViva by our "ChoViva" seal on the package. We launched the ChoViva seal as an ingredient brand for ChoViva in order to ensure uniform communication and recognition for ChoViva.

ChoViva ISM Consumer Award Winner

Big interest in the product thanks to ISM and ProSweets

ISM: You participated in ISM and won 1st prize. How were your experiences at the trade fair?

Jessica: We were already at ProSweets as an ingredient brand in 2023, and that was a great success. Once we had the first products on the market, we applied as exhibitors for ISM 2024 and took our place next to the big brands. ISM is a very important trade fair for us, because the entire industry is there. The New Product Showcase was a complete success for us – interest was great following our award. ChoViva was the talk of the town, and many people approached us to learn how they could integrate ChoViva into their products. We either established or intensified contact with many partners. Especially as a start to the year, ISM was a good platform to establish (first) contacts on the German and international markets. A lot has happened in the meantime. Our focus is currently on expansion, for which ISM is also a good springboard. ISM Middle East and ISM Japan will also be important to us in future for establishing relevant contacts beyond Germany. ChoViva was already represented this year at ISM Middle East together with one of our first partners, Seidl Confiserie.

ChoViva Booth at ISM

ChoViva – focus on expansion

ISM: What did the preparation for ISM involve?

Jessica: As a startup, we are always on the go and have also planned a lot with our partners. This summer, we began to prepare for the trade fair, consulting with our stand builder Viavend, and so on. Participation is a big investment, but we attached a great deal of importance to marketing and even organised our own little side event in order to profit as much as we can from participation in the trade fair. We can recommend participation to other startups and companies from the sweets industry.

ChoViva-highlights at the ISM 24

ISM: What were your highlights at ISM 2024?

Jessica: The prize, but also seeing the finished ChoViva stand and the various products on the columns. But of course also the many conversations with the industry and the press - we were actually able to come into contact with all major brands and manufacturers and detected an enormous press echo during and after ISM. From the visit of the Lord Mayor to various live TV streams and many enquiries from magazines. We simply noticed that more and more was happening and everybody was talking about us.

ChoViva new product showcase

Outlook for the trade fair year 2025

ISM: Can you provide us with an outlook on 2025?

Jessica: We are planning several exciting, new products and partners, here in Germany and abroad. In general terms, we want to produce even more sustainable and exciting new products and bring them onto the market with Planet A Foods – so keep your eyes peeled for the ChoViva and Planet A Foods stand in 2025!

Favorite product? „I love them all“

ISM: Can you tell us and just us what your personal favourite product with ChoViva is?

Jessica: Of course I love them all, but my favourite is the REWE Beste Wahl Peanut Butter Cups with ChoViva!

Many thanks for the interview and your testimonial about the highly successful ISM, dear Jessica! The next ISM is taking place parallel with ProSweets Cologne from 2 to 5 February 2025. You should also be part of the sweetest week of the year.